Baptism is the free gift of God’s unbreakable bond of love.
Baptism is our gateway into the Body of Christ, the worshipping and serving community called “Church.”
Baptism is our initiation into the mysteries of God’s saving work for all creation.
Baptism is our response to God’s free gift of love. Our response comes in the form of vows to live our lives respecting and enhancing life before God.
Baptism doesn’t have to happen in infancy. Some people are raised in faith traditions that baptize when a child or adult can request it for themselves. Some families come to Christian practice later in life and enter the Christian family with baptism of one or more family members together.
Are there members of your family who would like to be baptized? Our Clergy would be pleased to talk with you about the process and its preparation. Similarly, we’re happy to prepare adults who have been baptized and never confirmed to make a mature commitment to their faith and their membership in the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Confirmation. Please read below for more information.
For Adults and Teenagers
When a person who is old enough to consent to baptism is interested in the sacrament, we begin with a conversation with the clergy. Instruction will follow in either a tutorial, small group, or classroom setting. The baptism service, beginning on page 299 of the Book of Common Prayer, will provide the structure of the preparation. For this age group, baptism is a confession of faith both as belief and trust in the God revealed in Jesus Christ.
For Children: Baptism or Blessing?
The birth of a child is a cause for celebration! All families are welcome to explore the possibility of baptism for their children at St. Martin’s. The process begins with a conversation with the clergy and instruction for the parents. Children who are 3 years old or older also will receive age-appropriate preparation for baptism.
Adult family members consent to the baptism for the child, and take vows on the child’s behalf. During baptismal preparation we will want to know if the family sincerely intends to follow through on the vows they make. Signs of sincerity include attendance at worship and participation in the life of the church with prayers, gifts, and service.
Sometimes a family is not ready to make the commitment that comes with baptism. In that case, we are very pleased to offer a service of blessing called “A Service of Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child” during regular Sunday worship. The sacrament of baptism will always remain an option for the child who has been blessed, when the time is right.