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Liturgical Ministries



Participate in worship as a Crucifer, Thurifer, Torchbearer, and much more. 

Please contact Connie Haggard for more information.


Change Ringers

Are you interested in ringing the historic peel of bells at St. Martin's? Please reach out to Eileen Butler or click here for more information. 

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Children's Choir Choristers

Do you know a child who loves music and/or loves to sing? Join us on Wednesdays for our Children's Choir Chorister program. Contact our Children's Choir Chorister Leader, Brooke Witherite or click here for more details. 



Would you like to help lead prayer in our services? Reach out to Liturgical Ministries Coordinator, Connie Haggard



Support our congregation in worship by helping worshippers find seats, hymnals, and bulletins, as well as presenting the collection during the Offertory of our eucharistic services. Contact Michael Prell to get involved.


Altar Guild

Help to prepare our worship space for services including setting up the Eucharistic table, preparing candles and other adornments, as well as maintaining our liturgical equipment.

Please contact Mary Baumberger for more details. 



Do you love to sing? St. Martin's is always looking for new members to join the professional and volunteer members of our choir. Contact Director of Music & Arts, Tyrone Whiting or click here for more information. 


Flower Guild

Add to the beauty in holiness by arranging and preparing flowers for our services and events. 

Please email Annette Lareau for more information. 



To read the Lessons during our worship services, please contact Dick Haggard 

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