The Choir
of St. Martin's
The Choir of St. Martin-in-the-Fields is a volunteer ensemble of more than 30 members, supported by a professional quartet of section leaders, who support our worship at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Eucharist and special services and events through the year including Choral Evensongs, Complines, Concerts & Recitals, and more!. Rehearsals take place on Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
With a repertoire spanning from the Renaissance to the present day, the choir, while continuing in the richness of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, often also includes new music and that from other genres/traditions to enhance worship and performances. Tallis, Mozart, Elgar, Stanford, Chilcott, Rutter, Hurd, Price, MacMillan, and much more in between and beyond can be heard at our services and events.
As well as adding to our worship services, the choir perform concerts throughout the year, and in recent years have taken part in two choral pilgrimages to the UK. Most recently serving as Choir-in-Residence at Bristol Cathedral in August 2017, the choir also sang Evensong at Westminster Abbey in London.
Our professional quartet of section leaders add much to our music-making offering a strong scaffold to the choir’s development and serving as soloists in our service.
Connie Haggard manages our extensive Choir Library, preparing scores for all our singers for each of our services and events.
The Choir of St. Martin-in-the-Fields is always looking for new members!
Please contact our Director of Music & Arts, Mr. Tyrone Whiting: twhiting@stmartinec.org