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Barbara Previdi Thomson

Rector's Warden

Vestry, Class of 2027

Barbara Thomson, the Rector's Warden at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, joined the Vestry as part of the Class of 2023. However, Barbara is eligible to remain on the Vestry because there is a vacancy in the Rectorship. In general, the Rector’s Warden continues in that office until the first Annual Parish Meeting after the institution of a new Rector. Barbara loves St. Martin's. She has enjoyed her 20 years at St. Martin's immensely. Barbara, along with her husband Bob Previdi, started at Worship Together with their infant and 5 year old sons when they moved to Chestnut Hill. As their kids are now 20 and 25, St. Martin's has been their spiritual home for decades. Barbara has been participating fully at St. Martin's since they arrived. In addition to her recent four years on the vestry as the Secretary/Clerk for one year and Rector's Warden for three - her ministries have ranged from being a prayer leader at Morning Prayer to member of the Community Engagement Committee. She's been an usher, reader, and provided many reflections on Good Fridays, The Last Seven Words of Christ, over the years. Barbara was a Youth Group Leader and chaperoned them to South Dakota (twice) and Guatemala. Her children were acolytes and crucifers and sang in the Children's Choir while her husband served on the vestry years ago. She is dedicated and devoted to working with St. Martin's. Professionally, Barbara has been working in large governments as an attorney, consultant and an executive for nearly 40 years. She recently won the Democratic Primary in Philadelphia to run for Municipal Court Judge in November.

Barbara Previdi Thomson
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