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Helen White Memorial Lecture Series

The Helen White Memorial Lecture remembers her lifetime dedication to making the Word of God accessible to "the people in the pews". Our inaugural lecture, on Saturday, April 13, 2019, answered the question, "Why Read the Bible" and featured Biblical Scholar and Princeton Theological Seminary Professor, the Rev. Dr. Eric D. Barreto.

In Memory of Helen White

Helen White, who died January 11, 2018, was an effective and passionate creator of biblical studies opportunities for - in her words - “the people in the pews.” Starting in the 1970s at St. Thomas, Whitemarsh, and then as a staff member for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, Helen planted group after group organized to study the Gospels and then all the texts of the Old and New Testament. Four of the groups she started are still studying at her home parish, the Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields.

Helen White Memorial Lecture Series
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