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Climate Action Team

St. Martin's Climate Action Team brings members of our congregation together to understand, act on, and pray about the very real challenge of climate change. We meet monthly and aim to serve as a hub for connecting folks within St. Martin's with fellow congregants called to act in response to climate change. We structure events and activities to allow intergenerational participation.

How do I get involved? Reach out to Climate Action Team leader Jason Martin

Annual Events: The Climate Action Team supports the Advent Greening and Wreathmaking event in collaboration with CYF to begin the Advent season as well as the Winter Solstice Walk in Wissahickon Valley Park. CAT also holds a spring EcoFair event with interactive and informational booths on the environment and sustainability. CAT supports and partners with PA Interfaith Power & Light PAIPL in its mission to cultivate a religious response to the threat of climate change.

Identify some successes: Recent activities have included book groups, solstice walks, film discussions, invasive plant removal at Buttercup Cottage in Fairmount Park, Parish Forums, Earth Day activities, and legislative advocacy.

Advent Resources: The Climate Action Team produced a list of “Sustainable Advent Ideas” that can contribute to an eco-friendly holiday BUT are also great ideas for all seasons!

Climate Action Team
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